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Artificial intelligence refers to the concept that machines “think like human beings.”.  Machines can perform tasks like reasoning, planning, learning, and understanding language.  It works on a technology known as “machine learning”. Machine learning is the concept of having computers learn from data with minimal programming. This is not to say that AI is going to replace humans and their brains anytime soon.  It just makes our jobs easier and more productive. 

The different ways AI strengthens CRMs are: 
  • Record and analyse sales calls. Companies are using AI to record conversations with clients & leads for training or analysis to make better and more informed judgments over time. The sales personnel can pinpoint topical trends in these conversations, shortlist best practices, and use them with CRM information to juxtapose them against historical context. 

  • Calibrate the emotional state of the callers to create optimal experiences. AI is used to gauge the emotions of a caller or client (based on speaking patterns, vocabulary selection, and other conversational dynamics). Then guidance is provided to the agents on the phone to respond appropriately. Thus, agents can talk softly or slowly, show empathy, let the caller speak more without any interruptions, and so on. Phone conversations can end on a happy note, to the satisfaction of both parties. 

  • Email-based nurturing of leads. AI is used to engage, nurture, upsell, and follow up with leads and clients via email. For example, AI-enabled assistant Conversica offers a determined plan with a success rate of 100% at getting the lead/client phone numbers, time to call, purchase criteria, and feedback. 

  • Minimize the ticket queue with smart customer self-service. AI-based solutions go through a firm’s knowledge base to deliver relevant, simple solutions to common cases. AI learns from former ticket resolutions to recognise similarities with current tickets and then takes appropriate solutions/routes to solve the problems. AI can be used for understanding the language-based nuances of the audience, transferring difficult cases for human intervention, and providing a dashboard to track its performance. 

  • Use available data for better prospect scoring and predictive marketing. AI-based solutions use the information in CRMs, etc. to provide actual scores for existing prospects, saving ample time and mental bandwidth in creating and updating an analog model. 

  • Creating good content via natural language generation. AI is used to create natural-sounding, original content for product descriptions, landing pages, customised emails, reviews, news articles, client documents, and so on. This solves the problem of companies needing to constantly create original, engaging, and relevant content for inbound marketing purposes. 

  • Scrutinize patterns in CRM data for predictive prospect scores. AI-based solutions provide predictive analytics solutions to create bang-on prospect scores, along with suggestions on when and how to contact the prospects based on certain factors such as demographic, destination, business, and industry information.

Artificial intelligence is here to stay, and a business needs to adopt it via various means, tools, and apps for their own good. They provide the wind to the wings of a business, and everything is optimised to the benefit of the company. 


About the Author

Mohit Sharma

Mohit is Practice Lead, 15x Certified Salesforce Consultant, Salesforce trainer, blogger, writer, and full-time husband. With over 8 years of experience implementing Salesforce, and an obsession for innovation, ready to tackle any new project that comes his way.

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