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Hello, welcome back to part 2 of our blog on “The top performance metrics for email marketers “. We hope you enjoyed Part 1 and found some of the KPIs worthy of incorporation into your email marketing evaluation strategy. Today we continue with the KPIs and how they are of use to you. So let’s get down to it, shall we?
The top performance metrics for email marketers are:
1. Unsubscribe & complaints %. The Unsubscribe % is the percentage of unsubscribes per delivery. The complaint %is the percentage of complaints per delivery. A complaint is registered when a subscriber flashes the alert that the email is spam as far as they are concerned. Unsubscribes can be disheartening but impart vital marketing lessons. One needs to examine the median unsubscribe rate per email.
On another note, high unsubscribes and complaints about particular emails, or those over a particular time period, are indicators of the need to change whether it’s the audience, frequency, content, channel, schemes/promotions, etc.
2. Internet traffic & conversions. This KPI reveals the % of people who completed the email’s intended purpose, such as converting online to visit, buy, download, or another CTA. These are vital KPIs for evaluating ROI & optimising to achieve the intended objectives of the campaign.
3. Campaign performance (as well as by specific emails). It’s always good to evaluate emails on their own solo standing as well as their contribution to the overall campaign. Thus a holistic analysis will be available for the marketing department and their work. Curating specific email marketing KPIs for each is useful; eg a click-through rate for the entire campaign vs. click-through rate for specific emails across different campaigns. This helps the marketing team to comprehend why a campaign is working or not, and which emails are likely to be beneficial.
4. Growth in subscribers. It always helps to know if the numbers are on the rise, stagnant, or unfortunately on the decline. It helps in determining if the email sign-up CTAs are useful. It’s important to view the subscriber list with regard to individual campaigns & email performance. Thus remedial action can be taken to halt any decline or stagnation.
5. Most and least involved audience members. This is another interesting KPI to get to know who among your subscribers is most engaged with your brand and those that are not. This action in the form of loyalty offers / schemes can be distributed to keep the most engaged active & loyal. The ones at the other end can be deleted or re-connected using a different strategy. It’s no point having a large subscriber base that is not engaged with the brand as ideally as they should or could.
We hope that the 10 KPIs listed to help with email marketing work their wonders for you. If you would like to share any others, do let us know. We also hope you are engaged with us on our social media channels. Cheers.