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Foisting a new way of working, process, / digital tool on your employees without thinking it through is a recipe for disaster. If the people who are meant to use it and drive it forward are not on board, the project will fail. This means the time, energy, and money spent on the project have come to naught. This applies when companies onboard any new digital tool such as Salesforce CRM or its other cloud offerings, such as Marketing Cloud, Sales Cloud, retail cloud, or nonprofit cloud.
Below are the top practices to support your Salesforce team:
Identify the goals the Salesforce deployment is going to solve. Any company, its management, and its IT department need to be very clear about the business objectives the deployment of any tech tool will achieve. Deploying IT software without reasoning and discussion is not advisable. Just because others are doing it, you don’t need to. You proceed only once you have sound reasons for onboarding the CRM or any other tech tool.
It’s all about your work processes. Instead of being excited or supercharged about adopting any new tech tool, you need to study and review your current work processes (whether they work) in advance. Only once you have clarity on the need to change (and what has to change) should you start acquiring tech tools. Salesforce CRM is about changing all processes to make the company policy customer-first.
Form a legion of supporters. Get people from each department to come together to be stakeholders in the journey. They ideate and test in sandboxes. They are crucial to the project's success, as they are empowered representatives of each team/department and will lead their teammates to use the tool.
Training and training. The only way to ensure the adoption of the CRM and support the teams using it is to make them realize its benefits and how easy it is to use. This is achieved via customized training sessions for each department. These training sessions are fun, engaging, relevant, hands-on, and simple. Regular checks follow them, and if the need arises, refresher training courses are organized to keep the teams invested.
Having the right Salesforce partner by your side is a no-brainer. The right company with a large team of experienced and certified personnel ensures that any Salesforce project is rolled out smoothly with minimum fuss and issues. A boutique Salesforce Support partner like Codleo Consulting (a Summit-tier partner) provides wholesome services at affordable prices. You can search for them via referrals, the internet, the Salesforce office, or exchange.
Salesforce Support. A Salesforce partner is essential to ensure that any glitches/hiccups are resolved as soon as possible, allowing employees to focus on their core tasks and not get bogged down with issues with Salesforce support. The Salesforce Support Services in India can be 24/7, onshore or offshore, via email, phone, text, or email. Codleo has a dedicated team that offers various support packages that meet each company's needs.
Empower Your Team, Boost Sales: Get a Free Salesforce Team Support Consultation from Codleo