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Is your Salesforce delivering the goods it was intended to? Are you happy with its performance? If not, we know what the culprit could be. Here are some of our findings as Salesforce platinum partners that are quite the eye-openers. Read on to discover them for yourself.
Managing a large cache of metadata. Professionals in the Salesforce universe such as Salesforce platinum partners know that there is a large volume of data connected to the platform. Handling the same can be taxing for the team, as well as lead to communication breakdowns, employee frustration, and user adoption problems. To minimise the road blockers, Salesforce users need an automated tool to instantly analyse the org configuration, list the next steps, and engage with different stakeholders.
Expired installed packages have a negative impact. Salesforce organizations depend quite a bit on installed packages to widen their functionality & enhance user experience. With the continuous widening of the Salesforce ecosystem, it’s important to monitor to see if the packages are currently valid or expired. Expired packages are dangerous and are a security challenge confirm Salesforce platinum partners. As per a report published this year, most Salesforce orgs have expired installed packages, and around 15% of custom code security problems are the result of installed packages. Isn’t it time everyone got alerted to this issue?
Custom codes are host to security issues. Custom code delivers capabilities to users – be it Aura, Lightning Web Components, Visualforce, Apex, or triggers. The party comes with information & security risks that need smart management. As per the same report, the average Salesforce org has over 1900 custom code security problems. The fallouts of these security issues are widespread such as the leak of sensitive data into the wrong hands and to leak of regulatory information leading to serious consequences for the firm.
Object automation is expensive. Salesforce’s curated framework suggests unifying all automation for an object into a unified automation type if that is ever possible. Thanks to the proliferation of declarative & custom automation types, most Salesforce organizations are not adhering to the guidelines. It’s discovered that nearly half of the standard objects in operation have varied automation types.
Data is accessible to many in the business. It’s important that access to data in any business is based on role & hierarchy. This ensures the security state of Salesforce platinum partners. Juniors should only get access & permissions on a “need-to-know “ basis to get work done. It’s always good to review every few months who has access to what levels of data and so on.
Empty custom fields are a no no. Fields contain the important transactional data in your instance. Salesforce offers a range of standard fields that are unique, subject to your licenses – but to extract maximum benefit from the platform, companies deploy custom fields. A small % of custom fields on the critical objects in most orgs are blank. Salesforce Administrators in Salesforce platinum partners ought to locate the unwanted custom fields and eliminate them to create a superior user experience, optimise workflows & processes, and enhance efficiency.