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“80% of service decision makers believe AI is most effective when deployed with — rather than in place of — humans.”
Do you know that the commonly used word "chatbot" is obtained from two words: - and robot? It is a computer program that replicates human conversations, whether a voice or text interaction. Nowadays, chatbots are becoming a common feature in our lives without our realizing it. They are being used in a variety of ways, such as:
⦁ Communication via smart speakers
⦁ Function on smart home devices
⦁ Function via popular messaging platforms such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger
Chatbots in modern times are becoming more advanced due to the latest advances in technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI), with the passage of time. By securing copious amounts of data and economical processing power, AI and allied tech, such as machine learning, are drastically changing the quality of chatbots in terms of comprehension & decision-making. Recently, program developers have harnessed natural language processing (NLP) or natural language understanding (NLU) to understand human speech (including regional accents, which is imperative), thus leading to smarter replies.
How important are they in the customer experience?
⦁ Chatbots have greatly reduced the wait time of customers waiting in virtual queues. They answer common & mundane questions (such as location, timing, etc) quickly and customers don't have to wait for replies to emails, calls, etc.
⦁ Chatbots are the first to greet customers with branded greetings and have the ability to direct inquiries to the relevant person or resource.
⦁ Chatbots solve support cases faster. They can answer simple questions and keep the clients happy. Consequently, the employees, team members, or agents can focus their attention on other tasks, becoming more productive for the company.
⦁ With initial conversations, chatbots can prep prospects and hand them over to human agents for conversion into clients.
How are chatbots currently used by a business?
⦁ minor services in a call center environment, such as password change, scheduling appointments, and so on, without the need for a human employee to enter the fray.
⦁ Integrate with back-end systems such as inventory management or customer relationship management. They help various department employees with their daily functioning.
⦁ In the role of digital personal assistants, help to perform activities such as ordering products for daily consumption or travel-related documentation via a cell phone device, browser, or chat platform.
Chatbots are augmenting the services of human employees, not replacing them. They are just freeing up humans from repetitive & mundane tasks and allowing them to handle important tasks. Chatbots are the future, with more companies adopting them. It is predicted that chatbot adoption by service organizations will go up by 135%. The era of AI, chatbots, and machine learning is here; embrace it with an open mind and see your business reach for the skies.